Recommended Fee Schedule
British Columbia Registered Massage Therapists Association
Payment options include: Direct Billing to your Extended Medical, or by Visa, MasterCard or Debit. Unfortunately, we do not direct bill WCB or ICBC nor work with ICBC patients.
All Fee Schedules for RMT will include the following five (5) steps:
Clinical Time includes:
1. Administration
2. Assessment
3. Evaluation
4. Treatment
5. Patient Education
Clinical Visit Times:
30 minutes $75 (under 13 yrs or over 65 yrs)
45 minutes $105
60 minutes $125
75 minutes $160
90 minutes $190
*GST included in above fees.
Gift Cards
You can now purchase e-gift cards online if you'd like to gift someone a Massage Therapy Treatment.
Alternatively, I have gift certificates available in the clinic which you can arrange to purchase by contacting Michelle. A great Christmas or Birthday gift with no expiration!